Smartphone wrist watches are exploding into the market. All major brands now offer their own version of a smart watch.

The size can be a trifle bit limiting as typing a e-mail or a document, but basic needs of getting Tweets and reading e-mails can now come from the comfort of your wrist. You can use it to monitor your heart or health conditions and track your fitness levels and durations. Next you will see smart clothing which will incorporate smart technologies in the clothes you wear. A smart watch has to be compatible with your smart phone, so make sure before you buy one each is compatible with the otherPay attention to battery life e-paper like pebbble displays last longer on a chargeThe band's clasp or buckle on any watch should be easy to useWhat type of operating system like cell phones will either be more limited or more expansive.
Pebble, Pebble Steel and Pebble Time use a proprietary OS but work with Android and iOS devices. The same thing goes for the Alcatel OneTouch and Martian watches. Samsung's Tizen-powered Gear S2 works with multiple Android handsets and the company promises iOS compatibility for 2016.The Apple Watch only works with the iphoneAndroid Wear devices anticipate your needs using Google Now style cards and as we write this the number of apps is exploding exponentially to accommodate the demand.With Apple Watch you get access to Glances features that allows you to see quckly the weather events and does concentrate more on fitness and social interactions. Article differences between the Android smart watches and the Apple watches