Blackberry also created a phone that became the standard, people who have used Blackberry since its inception in 1999 or 8 years before the first iPhone was released. Blackberry is the invention and design of RIM a Canadian company.
Blackberry with its simple key pad has become the state of the art for texting which has become a world wide pastime and a very effective means of communication, messaging sometimes just as or more important than even the spoken word.

In keeping with its niche the newest Blackberry, the curve known for its comfortable fit, is the latest at the time of this writing is the 8500 series, the trackball being replaced by the optical trackball making Blackberry worldwide enthusiasts even happier. Blackberry holds the distinction of Internet services now available in 91 countries and Blackberry now accounts for 3% of the world wide cellular market.
RIM developed its own proprietary system which allows the use of the trackwheel, trackball and now the trackpad. Messaging has evolved by RIM to include encrypted messaging, bar-coding usage Balck Berry Music and a vast array of other apps. As technology evolves all of the features loved by the loyal Blackberry users evolve making Blackberry a top contender in the cellular retail markets world wide and especially in the Caribbean where the Balckberry brand enjoys the greatest marketshare per capita.